
rlms feature options...

Digital Patient File

Imaging Integration 

Image Management

QuickBooks Integration

Integrated Operations

On-line Scheduling


Configure Your RLMS Solution

RLMS feature components are also scalable so you can start small and as you grow your business RLMS can expand along with it.  So, whether you are one lab just getting started, which is how many of our relationships began, or you are building a corporate network of 20 labs or more, RLMS is designed to meet your needs.

RLMS Standard Configuration

With many feature options available in RLMS there is no one standard configuration.  However in a single lab, single server environment, many users choose electronic scheduling, standard daily reporting, customized pricing and survey preferences for doctors, and electronic signature capture.

Expanded Single Lab Options

As labs grow they like to add features to manage higher volumes without having to make large additional investments.  It is common to add local networking for multiple computer support within the office.  Some choose automatic offsite backup services so they don’t have to worry about data availability.  Adding digital imaging equipment expands the utility of RLMS through the imaging integration products and RIMS - the Radiology Image Management System.

Expanded operations means higher financial volumes and greater need for controls and reporting.  Many users add the QuickBooks feature at this stage.

Scalable Multiple Lab Operations

RLMS is designed to manage multiple labs in corporate networks.  The integrated operations features of the product and the sophistication of QuickBooks make RLMS ready for enterprise deployment.  Use advanced features to coordinate scheduling between multiple offices.  Differentiate program feature access and data privileges on a per office basis.  Coordinate image management and reporting to doctors from central or distributed locations.  Consolidate financial information on a real time basis and strictly control financial visibility by employees.  Analyze profitability of each operating location and balance resources across a large operations area.  And much more.


Configure your Rlms solution...

The Radiology Lab Management System can be configured many different ways. Every version of the program is uniquely customized with your operating documents - logo, receipts, insurance forms, labels, etc.  Beyond that, RLMS has several independent components that allow customers to target the value that best fits their business needs.


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